Leonard Oreo Bibb

Leonard Oreo Bibb

Gym Dog

Run a sub 5 min mile

Jump higher than any human

Tug your arm off in tug a war





About Coach

I am Leonard (Leo) Oreo Bibb. My family adopted me from the Greenville Human Society. I had a rough life up until that point, but now life is a cakewalk. I am only 3 years old but have had both my back legs surgically repaired due to a genetic disorder. Thanks to my parents I am good as new. Now I spend my time hanging out at the gym with all my friends. I love playing with all other dogs and licking the ladies in the face when they come in and sit down. If I grumble at you it is not because I am mean, I just like to let everyone around me know that a new person is here.

Turning Point

Motivation & Passion

pushpress gym management software for boutique gyms and fitness studios