You vs. COVID

COVID vs. Yourself
June 15, 2022
You vs. COVID

In 2020 you can not seem to get away from all things Covid-19. It seems like everyone has their input on what you should be doing to protect yourself from covid; masks, social distancing, curfews, etc. What about all the information on how to strengthen your immune system? You know the thing that has allowed humans to survive for the last unknown amount of time... Here are some simple ways to strengthen your immune system and kick Covid in the a**.

Contrary to what the media will tell you, the battle between viruses and the human body will go on forever. Covid 19 is just one of the many trials we will have in our life. We can live a life that will hedge our bet of survival or we can continue to live a life of fast food, late nights, and hope that the fabric sheet we put over our faces is enough to keep us safe...

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